Discussion on the water supply pipe network hydraulic power calculation with shunt circuit loss 浅谈计入旁路损失的给水管网水力计算
Field compensation are suitable to reactive power compensation by shunt capacitor, which are helpful to low line loss and save energy. 介绍了采用并联电容器进行无功补偿的三种方式推荐采用就地补偿,降低线路损耗,最大程度节约能源。
The size of the magnetic shunt are given, when maximal loss density in the clamp can be reduced and magnetic flux densities in the magnetic shunt can't be reached the saturated value. 得出既可以降低夹件损耗密度又可以使磁分路中磁密不饱和的磁分路尺寸。
Compared with the magnetic valve type controlled shunt reactor, the transformer type controlled shunt reactor is superior in its smaller harmonic current, faster respond speed and less power loss. 变压器式可控电抗器与磁饱和式可控电抗器相比,谐波电流更小、响应速度更快、功率损耗更小。
AS to compensate power factor, paper shows how to connect capacitors for shunt starting in dealing with heavy load motor in difficult starting condition to make full utilization of the equipment and cut down line loss. 结合功率因数补偿问题,提出了并接起动用电容器的联结方法,使在起动条件较困难的情况下,能起动负荷较大的电机,尽量利用设备,减少线路损耗。
Fix shunt capacitor in the power network can reduce flow of reactive power, thereby reduce transmission loss. 在电网中安装并联电容器装置可以减少无功功率在电网中的流动,从而降低输电线路因输送无功功率造成的输电损耗。